WET had an awesome training session with Cub Scout Troop 475 of Guilford this past weekend at the Valley Shore YMCA in Westbrook, CT. The scouts were able to learn several hands-on techniques to stay safe in the water, including the HELP position and the Carpet Formation. They were also able to achieve their water safety pins. Thanks to Linda Van Steenbergen and all the parents of Troop 475 for their help and interest.
Above: Scouts learning the multi-survivor hypothermia mitigation technique called the Carpet Formation. This skill floats survivors in the warmest part of the water column, survivors share body heat, and it makes you a bigger target for rescuers.
Above: Scouts performing the Heat Escape Lessening Posture (HELP) position. This technique is used for a sole survivor. It minimizes movement and saves energy. Enhanced with a contractors grade 3 mil trash bag, it is even more effective. Called the “poor man’s wetsuit”, the bags work in a similar fashion and can maintain core temps far longer than without it.
Above: Executive Director, Ben Rayner, giving the Scouts sound advice on staying away from any moving water, river, currents, and rips. And to stay away from cool and cold water. More people die every year in America from drowning than they do from distracted driving, and often it is due to low water temps. Let’s get the word out and lower all those numbers!
WET also wants to thank Chris and Pat at the Valley Shore YMCA for allowing us use of their incredible facilities, and for giving us the opportunity to spread the word about water safety!